Title: “Trust Your Goosebumps, Cornelius Puck” by Allan Jay Friedman

Logline: On the verge of ending his life, a disillusioned businessman is visited by a cheeky angel who takes him on a musical journey through his past to rekindle his passion and rediscover the love he left behind.

A fresh take on this beloved universal theme in the vein of “It’s a Wonderful Life” meets “A Christmas Carol.”

Genre: Musical Fantasy, for stage and screen

Setting: Modern-day New York City, with key scenes at the Empire State Building, Central Park, and various New York locales from Cornelius' past.

Plot Overview:

We meet Cornelius Puck, a successful but unhappy businessman. He stands on the observation deck of the Empire State Building on Christmas Eve, ready to end his life. During his dark night of the soul, Gabriel Hornblower, a mischievous angel appears. Gabriel offers Cornelius a chance to understand where he went wrong. To rediscover his "goosebumps"—the moments of true passion and joy.

Gabe and Cornelius magically transport into Cornelius’ memories. Where he is able to see his past, up close and personal. Their first stop is Cornelius at 16, in Central Park. He shares a dream-filled conversation with Jenny, his childhood love. He experiences the "goosebumps of love" for the first time. But, his father's harsh pragmatism and regret for his own lost dreams, push Cornelius away from pursing his passions.

Next, they visit Cornelius in college. His growing distance from Jenny, who pursues art, and his deepening commitment to pursue law, lead him to miss her first art exhibition. It's a turning point that fills him with regret.

He marries social-climber Vanessa. Her father, Max, manipulates him and seals his fate into a life of wealth and power but void of passion. As Gabriel and Cornelius witness his rise in the corporate world, the price he paid becomes clear. A loveless marriage, a soulless job, and a profound sense of emptiness.

Gabriel challenges Cornelius to go against doing the “right thing” and “trust his goosebumps” once more. Cornelius quits his job at a lavish family party, announcing his plan to write a musical. Vanessa and Max ridicule him. But his parents support him, with even his father admitting his own regrets.

Cornelius dives into his passion as he creates a musical that reflects his journey, including the vital goosebump moments in his life. On opening night, the show is a hit, and Cornelius spots Jenny waiting in the wings. They embrace, feeling "goosebumps on their goosebumps."

Together, they walk through the festive, illuminated streets of New York. Cornelius sings the song he wrote for Jenny at 16. They take a magical flight over the city to a new life together filled with love and passion, and yes, goosebumps.

Themes: The importance of following one’s true passions. The power of love. And the courage to correct past mistakes.

Tone and Style: A blend of whimsical fantasy and poignant drama. With engaging musical numbers that capture the highs and lows of Cornelius’ journey.