Title: “One Shining Moment: The Kennedy Camelot”

A Novel by Allan Jay Friedman

Logline: “One Shining Moment: The Kennedy Camelot” unveils the darkest secrets of a hidden power controlling world events and the dream of JFK to reveal the truth to the American people.

Genre: Historical Novel based on real events and conspiracy theories


The book aims to rekindle John F. Kennedy's dream and expose the clandestine forces that destroy dreamers and their visions. The book uncovers the biggest cover-up in history and the evil goal of a Secret Society. Presidents Lincoln, Jackson, and Garfield tried to warn the public about these money-driven forces. Still, their warnings were ignored, leading to their assassinations, covered up as the acts of lone assassins.

President Eisenhower also warned about this hidden power, but the press did nothing. JFK's "Secret Society Speech" in 1961 revealed the deceitful and evil conspiracy, leading to his assassination. The author hopes to provide insight into who really runs the country and their master scheme, revealing what JFK planned to disclose to the world.

Plot Overview:

The book opens in Washington, D.C. at the Eternal Flame on President John F. Kennedy’s gravesite, where Jackie Kennedy visits with her children.

Jackie begins recounting JFK's journey for them, starting with a supernatural visit from his deceased brother, Joe Jr.  Joe's ghost tells Jack that he is destined to become president and have his "shining moment" if he is willing to die for it. Joe insists that it is Jack's divine providence to step up and save the country.

With the machinations of his powerful father Joe Sr., Jack embarks on his journey, becoming president and establishing his vision of Camelot, with his family as Knights of the Round Table.

The façade of Camelot begins to crack as Jack's presidency is marked by affairs and mob connections orchestrated by his father, unbeknownst to Jack. Plus, there are political scandals, including the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Jack becomes suspicious that particular failure might have been orchestrated from within, as part of a larger conspiracy involving compromised players in the CIA and the shadowy financial powers behind the Federal Reserve. Determined to uncover the truth, Jack appoints his brother Bobby to lead the CIA and begin an internal investigation.

Despite achieving significant milestones like averting the Cuban Missile Crisis and promoting nuclear disarmament with Moscow, Jack faces immense opposition from various powerful entities, including the CIA, FBI, Teamsters, oil corporations, media conglomerates, and the military-industrial complex. The secret societies, the Illuminati and Bilderbergs, aim to control these groups, and the world's economy by any means necessary.

As Jack moves closer to exposing the truth, he faces increased danger. In a climactic moment, he consults the portrait of Lincoln, who appears and warns him about the risks of his mission. Jack remains resolute, giving crucial speeches and taking bold actions against the dark forces.

The narrative reaches its tragic climax in Dallas, where Jack is assassinated. The Warren Commission's investigation concludes it was a lone assassin, and the files are sealed until 2029. Bobby, now driven by his brother's vision, prepares to run for president and is assassinated as he continues the fight against the secret societies.

Jackie's story to her children concludes with a reminder that the dream of Camelot must live on, despite the ongoing presence of the secret societies. The eternal flame symbolizes the ongoing struggle against the hidden powers that seek to control the world and the hope that future generations will continue the fight for a free and just society.

Setting: Primarily set during the early 1960’s. Various settings across the U.S. and the world where political and personal events unfold, including the White House, Hyannis Port, Dallas, Cuba, and Berlin.

Themes: Power and Corruption. Conspiracy and Secrecy. Heroism and Sacrifice. Family and Legacy. Hope and Idealism.

Tone and Style: In summary, "One Shining Moment: The Kennedy Camelot" combines a suspenseful and dramatic tone with a narrative style that blends historical fact with fiction, creating a compelling and thought-provoking exploration of power, conspiracy, and heroism.