Title: The Timothy Bolt Series by Allan Jay Friedman

Logline: In this musical, superhero fantasy, a thirteen-year-old boy who thinks with his heart learns the true secrets of life as he discovers who he truly is. His purpose through the series to manhood and superhero status is to show humanity how to reclaim its power and defeat the Forces of Darkness transforming humans into machines driven by fear and greed.

Genre: Musical Fantasy Adventure

Setting: A dystopian future transformed into the magical world of Rainbow's End, the foot of Mount Machine, the Tree of Life, and various fantastical locations.

Plot Overview:

Part One – “The Magic Mirror of What Is”

In a future where humanity has become robotic and heartless, thirteen-year-old Timothy Bolt stands out as the last feeling human. He lives in "The Machine That Wasn't," a microcosm of a world driven by fear and greed. After suffering the loss of everyone he loves, Timothy discovers his destiny: to transform the world back into the "Magic Mirror of What Is," the way Earth was meant to be.

Timothy's journey begins when he quits work and, through mysterious circumstances, arrives in Rainbow's End, a magical world. There, he meets the beautiful Lorean and wise Orysus, who teach him to un-armor his heart and reassemble the shattered "Magic Mirror of What Is." This mirror reveals a vision of a noble world, the greatest threat to the Dark Forces controlling the Machine. By passing through the Golden Flame, Timothy unlocks his full potential and sees how the world can be restored.

Armed with the vision and a visionary crystal from his captured brother, Timothy, with Lorean’s help, confronts the Darkmasters, the creators of the evil Machine. Timothy is confronted by nemesis Jack-the-Repair who inserts a crystal bolt into Timothy’s head meant to control him for the Darkmasters’ purposes. Instead, it awakens his compassionate superpowers and he starts to see his true purpose. Timothy and Lorean seek out and learn from their Creator, Golden Being, that they are the reincarnations of Adam and Eve, tasked with undoing the evil they unknowingly unleashed.

Part Two – “Quest for the Lost Secrets of the Ages”

On his quest to fulfill an ancient prophecy, Timothy encounters new friends and foes. Peter Pin, a young black boy, becomes his ally, while foe Automata Nut tempts him, and Jack-the-Repair further threatens him. Scrap Metal, a creature made of tin cans, re-energizes him.

As Timothy pieces together the Magic Mirror of What Is, he transforms fully into Golden Bolt, ready to lead a revolution of spirit. He gathers young supporters to expose and combat the Darkmasters and their evil system. The climax comes when Timothy faces Yenrab the Terrible and Reficul the Mastermind, realizing his ultimate mission: to reclaim humanity’s true essence.

Part Three – “Timothy Bolt: The Ultimate Precision Machine”

As Golden Bolt, Timothy faces incredible tests to implement the Lost Secrets of the Ages. These secrets teach human-havings and human-doings to reclaim their humanity and manifest the vision in the Magic Mirror of What Is. He must transform the Machine back into a world of heart-driven human beings before the last leaf falls from the Lone Fig Tree, signaling the Darkmasters’ final victory.

Timothy realizes the computer and social media, the symbols of the Machine, can either be humanity’s greatest tool or its downfall. He affirms with Lorean that they must create a connected, heart-driven world of love and truth to defeat the Forces of Darkness. Hand in hand, they approach the altar in the Meadow of Forever, ready to transform the world into a place of dignity, equality, and justice for all.

Themes: The power of love and humanity; good triumphs over evil to lift human dignity; and the importance of staying connected and true to one’s heart.

Tone and Style: An inspiring and fantastical journey filled with musical numbers, vibrant settings, and pulse-raising adventures, blending the real, the surreal, and the magical in Timothy Bolt’s quest to save the world.